Anxiety Free Dentistry

Be Anxious for Nothing

Anxiety Free Visit


Millions of Americans have fears of the dentist, and One Dentistry recognizes that every person has different experiences. Therefore, we are proud to offer anxiety-free services to help ease the stress that some face when coming to the dentist. From comfortable seats, pillows, aromatherapy, warm towels, weighted blankets, and TVs to nitrous oxide gas to help calm extreme nervousness or anxiety, we seek to put our patients at ease and transform their appointment into a relaxing wellness visit.

How do we reduce patient anxiety?

We do a variety of things! Our friendly staff seeks to diminish worry in our patients, and our amenities such as TVs, blankets, and pillows seek to ensure physical comfort! However, if a patient is still experiencing fear, anxiety, or a phobia, we will graduate to more drastic measures such as laughing gas or general anesthetic. The laughing gas used at One Dentistry is medical-grade nitrous oxide gas, which is ideal for dentistry. This gas causes feelings of relaxation, euphoria, and calmness for the duration of the procedure, relieving any fears or anxiety. Once we turn off the gas, the relaxed feeling quickly fades, ensuring that you do not suffer any drowsy side effects and continue your day efficiently and attentively.