
Smile WIth Confidence


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We are no longer required to have obstructive and intimidating metal brackets to provide patients with straighter teeth. Now there is Invisalign, a system of unnoticeable braces that will straighten your teeth discreetly and efficiently. With Invisalign, you can enjoy your daily activities, interacting and socializing with others, without worrying about daunting and embarrassing braces. You can smile and open your mouth as much as you want.

Invisalign gives the same results as metal braces, except without having an unattractive smile or suffering from painful mouth sores. Not only will clear braces help straighten your teeth, but they also alleviate many other issues such as overbites, underbites, and crowding or spacing of the teeth. Furthermore, there are no dietary restrictions like traditional braces because you do not wear aligners while eating.

Another benefit is that the cost of Invisalign is nearly the same as the cost of metal braces. In addition, in some cases, dental insurance plans can cover a significant portion or even all of the cost of Invisalign.

Moreover, ONE Dentistry offers accommodating and professional customer service. We will use our best efforts to help you obtain the most insurance coverage and make the process as affordable as possible. If needed, ONE Dentistry can help create a payment plan and obtain financing for you to make this procedure convenient and attainable.