Dental Implants

Your best option for replacing missing teeth

Dental Implants

Teeth Implants

Permanent Restoration – Dental implants are permanent. With proper care, you will never have to replace a dental implant. It will last you for the rest of your life. In contrast, dentures usually require replacement every five years, and dental bridges typically need to be rebuilt every 10-15 years. Over time, dental implants are more cost-effective than other tooth restoration procedures.

Dental Implants Look and Feel Natural – Dental implants feel just like a regular tooth. After your procedure is complete, it will be almost impossible to distinguish it from the rest of your teeth. You can chew, bite and speak normally, and nobody has to know that you have a dental implant.

Requires No Specialized Care – Treat it exactly as you would for a natural tooth. Brush your teeth twice a day and floss regularly, and make sure that you see a dentist for a regular 6-month tooth cleaning. That’s it. There are no food restrictions or specialized care requirements for dental implants.

Prevents Damage to Teeth and Gums – If you are missing a tooth, your other teeth will naturally “shift” towards the gap in your mouth, which can lead to permanent damage to your smile and your bite. A dental implant is the best way to prevent this.